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Scarlet Pimpernel

Scarlet Pimpernel

Barometer or Weather Glass are other common names for this plant due to the fact the flowers close when atmospheric pressure decreases and bad weather is approaching.
This small scrambling weed creates ground covering and often grows up and over lawn edging. It can germinate and grow at any time of the year in New Zealand.
It is hairless, has square stems, and occasional branches that are perpendicular to the stems and in opposite pairs. The leaves do not have stalks and grow in opposite pairs. Small black dots on the underside of the leave are sometimes visible – these are glands.
The flowers are orange to almost red in colour.


This weed is easy to control and susceptible to most herbicides except clopyralid (Archer, Vivendi 300, Versatil or Void).

Find out more about Scarlet Pimpernel


Anagallis arvensis
