A green pigment for use on managed turf to improve its appearance and to help protect against UV radiation and excessive light intensities.
RYDER is a highly concentrated and stable green pigment designed for use on managed turf to improve its appearance and to help protect against UV radiation and excessive light intensities.RYDER delivers a lasting and natural looking green colour for an enhanced, more uniform, appearance. RYDER is safe to use on all turf species. For optimum turf quality RYDER should be used in conjunction with turf management practices that promote good turf health.
• Protects from UV ray damage.
• Increases uptake of fungicides.
• When tank mixed with fungicides there’s significant retention on the leaf immediately after application.
• Control the colour intensity through how much you use 10-20ml per 100m2.
• Reduces the need for applying excess nitrogen and iron to achieve desired colour before sporting events.
• Can be tank mixed with PGR to precondition turf to extended periods of low light situations.
• Rainfast (can’t be washed away) 1-2 hours after application.