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Chickweed is an annual plant that can be identified by its opposite growing leaves that clasp the stem of the plant.

The flower appears to have 10 petals, but has only five because of a divide down the centre making it appear like there are more petals.

A distinguishing feature of Chickweed is the stem, which breaks around the outside when pulled. The centre of the stem will stretch if it is Chickweed. The leaves do not have hairs, but the leave stalks do.

Chickweed is adaptable to different types of soil and will grow through winter. It is not drought tolerant and will die during dry summers, making it more common in shady areas of your lawn. Germination starts during autumn and the plant grows until late spring in most climates.


Mecoprop (Trimec, Legend and Saxon) and herbicides containing Triclopyr (Victory Gold, Triumph Gold, Tordon Gold or Conquest) are effective against Chickweed. MCPA, MCPB and 2,4-D are not effective for successful control.


Find out more about Chickweed