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Catsear, Hawksbeard and Hawkbit species all have yellow flowers that look similar to Dandelion, resulting in them all being categorised as Dandelions.

Catsear is very common in lawns and can be distinguished from Hawksbeard by the small hairs that cover the plant. Hawkbit also has small hairy leaves, but they aren’t as broad as Catsear.

Yellow flowers can be noticed in turf from spring with heads 20 millimetres to 40mm in diameter. Catsear is a perennial, producing new flowering shoots every year.


A wide range of herbicides are available. A triclopyr/picloram mixture (Victory Gold, Triumph Gold, Tordon Gold or Conquest) or 2,4-D/dicamba will provide effective control. Clopyralid (Archer, Vivendi 300, Versatil or Void) can provide control but only with a high application rate.

Flower head


Seed head